The easiest and hardest thing I believe one can do is to totally surrender...not to defeat, but to Faith.
It was of a large ocean- the one I was just tossed into. I thought I could swim and swim to save myself, struggling against the current and put up a really good fight to live. I thought I if I could see the shore at least, I could try to swim. I thought I could do that a few days without drowning. Reality hit and I realized I could not save myself.
I then imagined not fighting; lying back and totally surrendering my need, my instinctive urge to fight. I would float and rely on the great unknown that lie beneath me that I knew would hold me much longer if I simply let it. This great ocean I was tossed into I once thought was my demise, soon turned into a sea that would save me. My position hadn’t changed at all but my perception did.
So yes, I guess people do seem to find God when they hit rock bottom that is because people usually choose to swim and nearly drown before surrendering, not to defeat but to faith. This realization the night I was diagnosed was the most liberating moment of my life. As crazy as it sounds cancer freed me.
"Preach the Gospel at all times and when neccessary use words'."
–St. Francis of Assisi