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2025 PROJECT EASTER BUNNY WILL BE HOPPING soon! DONATIONS WiLL be needed- stay tuned! “Helping Families Cope with Cancer, One Household at a Time” is very pleased to announce its 16th annual run of Project Easter Bunny. This effort was begun by founder Lisa Morahan after experiencing Easter Sunday in 2009 too ill to make one basket up for her son while in the midst of chemotherapy. Since then, has created and donated hundreds of beautiful Easter Baskets to families in active treatment for cancer.

 Several area cancer centers in the Saratoga region will be glad recipients of this year’s Easter Basket drive. If you are interested in helping this effort please check back to see how you can help. was founded in Saratoga Springs, NY with the mission “Dinner is Done, Dishes are Clean, and the Kids are OK!” to help families cope with basic life necessities while a loved one is undergoing treatment for cancer. helps provides supplementary meals for low energy days with a team of volunteers affectionately known as “The Angel Cook Army”. Cleaning services are extended and fully sponsored by Special treats and gifts are given to children who are impacted by a parent undergoing treatment for cancer.

 Volunteers are always needed and if you might like to serve, please log onto The Executive Board is looking for dedicated, loving individuals wanting to gift their time and energy to help a great cause. Contact us at for more information. is a 501 C3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. If you would like to contribute to our efforts in a monetary way, please send all tax-deductible donations to, Inc. c/o 582 Rt. 9P Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

God Bless!

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Easter Morning…

Yes, at 10:46am on April 23rd, 2009 I woke up too ill to make one Easter Basket. My son who I dreamed of having, would not get the thrill that morning of seeing a BIG basket waiting for him when he came downstairs. I vowed to make it up the next year!

Since 2009, we have made thousands of baskets, averaging 400 annually. Our baskets show the love of neighbors and are tied lovingly with a card inscribed “With God All Things Are Possible,” -Matthew 19:26.

Happy Easter and may the love of Christ rise in your hearts. Our God is a great and awesome God. Sometimes it takes cancer to surrender and sometimes it just takes someone telling you He Lives. -L. Morahan